A Sad Goodbye to Jon Stewart on the Daily Show | What's Trending Now

2015-08-06 396

The world is grieving the loss of Jon Stewart on the Daily Show, but at least we got some hilarious clips form the last episode! Subscribe for more videos! http://full.sc/NfhdwD

Arby’s Thanks Jon Stewart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJz3FXjZ3Sc
Bill O’Reilly’s Farewell to Jon Stewart: http://deadline.com/2015/08/bill-oreilly-jon-stewart-appreciation-daily-show-finale-1201492823/
Elizabeth Warren’s First Daily Show Appearance: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10153171525303687&set=vb.38471053686&type=2&theater
Wall Street Journal article on Daily Show ad buys: http://blogs.wsj.com/cmo/2015/08/05/arbys-to-daily-show-host-jon-stewart-no-hard-feelings/
Louis CK is Jon Stewart’s final guest on The Daily Show: http://www.hulu.com/watch/828339

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Intro music: Orientation - Birocractic

Music by Epidemic Sound - http://bit.ly/1Gv4mny
Edited by Alex Jones